
Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Our Leadership Team


Health Facility Financing

HCAI offers financial assistance to eligible facilities in California by providing insured loans for long-term capital projects, working capital loans to support distressed hospitals, and grants to ensure seismic safety for rural hospitals. Learn more about construction financing, working capital loans, and grants below.

Building Safety

HCAI regulates the design and construction of healthcare facilities to ensure they are safe and capable of providing services to the public, and provides finance tools for capital projects. Find information on facilities, building plans and permits, seismic compliance, inspections, and more.


Financial Assistance & Grants

HCAI improves healthcare access by providing scholarships, loan repayments, and grants to students, graduates, and institutions providing direct patient care in areas of unmet need. Learn about the loan repayment programs, scholarships, grants, and more.


HCAI continues to focus on building a diverse and effective health workforce where all Californians receive equitable, affordable, and quality health care.

Health Workforce

HCAI collects, analyzes, and publishes data about California’s health workforce and health professional training, as well as identifies areas of the state in which there are shortages of health professionals and service capacity. Find information on areas of unmet need, health workforce data, initiatives, and more.


Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA)

OHCA will collect, analyze, and publicly report data on total health care expenditures, and enforce spending targets set by OHCA’s Health Care Affordability Board. To ensure a balanced approach to slow spending growth, OHCA will promote high value system performance by measuring quality, equity, adoption of alternative payment models, investment in primary care and behavioral health, and workforce stability. Through cost and market impact reviews, OHCA will analyze transactions that are likely to significantly impact market competition, the state’s ability to meet targets, or affordability for consumers and purchasers. Based on results of the review, OHCA will then coordinate with other state agencies to address consolidation as appropriate.

Hospital Fair Billing

California’s Department of Health Care Access and Information is responsible for enforcing the Hospital Fair Pricing Act (Act) beginning January 1, 2024, through its Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Under the Act, hospitals are required to have both a discount payment policy and a charity care policy, to provide financial assistance to qualified patients. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program.

The Hospital Bill Complaint Program can also investigate complaints about a hospital’s failure to:

  • Provide patients with written notice about its discount payment and charity care programs.
  • Post notices about the policies on the hospital walls.
  • Follow proper procedures before sending medical debt to collections.
  • Follow other requirements of the Act.

If you believe you were wrongfully denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the Hospital Bill Complaint Program. The Patient Complaint Form is available for download in many languages.

The Hospital Bill Complaint Program does not have jurisdiction (authority) over general billing or fee disputes.


Integrates and centralizes enterprise data operations with healthcare analytics, using common technology infrastructure to improve data accessibility and usage to better serve all HCAI clients and stakeholders. HCAI produces datasets and data products from a variety of sources, including reports submitted to HCAI by over 8,700 licensed healthcare facilities as well as facility construction and healthcare workforce data managed in the administration of HCAI programs.


HCAI provides free translation and interpretation services in languages other than English and American Sign Language interpretation services to assist in accessing HCAI’s programs. If you need information translated or would like interpretation assistance, use the “contact us” button and send us an email with your request.

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